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Decontamination and post-decon Passivation Treatment of the RRS Loops and RWCU System as a measure for Collective Dose Reduction and Recontamination Reduction at the NPP Cofrentes in Spain
By J. de Dios Sanchez Zapata (Cofrentes NPP, Spain), A. Basu (AREVA GmbH, Germany), M. A. Garcia Martinez (Cofrentes NPP, Spain), S. Hoffmann-Wankerl (AREVA GmbH, Germany)
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Benfarah2016.ppt Popular

By 1432 downloads

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EDF Feedback on the Management and the Treatment of Ag-110m Contamination
By M. Benfarah, EDF SEPTEN, France
Distinguished Paper at the 2015 ISOE International Symposium (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Bonnefon2016.ppt Popular

By 1506 downloads

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Radiation Protection Success of Steam Generator Replacement in Blayais unit 3
By J. Bonnefon, G. Ranchoux, O. Backes (EDF DIPDE), B. Roustit, H. Caullier (Blayais NPP), J. Sergeat, K. Hamon, D. Marié (AREVA NP), France
Distinguished Paper at the 2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Brunet-LeMeur2016.ppt Popular

By 1220 downloads

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Integration of Human Factors within the Design of a Training Tool within the Radiation Protection field: an opportunity to foster the tool’s appropriation and develop the trainer’s competences
By L. Brunet (LIMSI-CNRS), I. Fucks, G. Le Meur (EDF R&D), V. Boccara (LIMSI-CNRS), France
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Bull2016.ppt Popular

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Air Sampling Programmes for Managing Internal Exposures: Review of Key Practical Issues
By G. A. Roberts, R. K. Bull, D. Spencer, Nuvia Ltd., UK
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Calavia2016.ppt Popular

By 1515 downloads

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Working Group on Radiological Aspects of Decommissioning Activities at Nuclear Power Plants (WGDECOM)
By I. Calavia, CSN, Spain
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

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Impact of the Full System Chemical Decontamination on the José Cabrera NPP Decommissioning
By J. Campos Mendia, ENRESA, Spain
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Canal2016.ppt Popular

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Radiation Protection: an Approach for Simplification
By E. Canal, F. Saintamon (EDF UNIE-GPRE), S. Blond (EDF EM RP), France
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Clarijs2016.ppt Popular

By 1172 downloads

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ENETRAP III European guidance on the implementation of the requirements of the Euratom BSS with respect to education and training for RPE and RPO
By T. Clarijs, M. Coeck (SCK•CEN, Belgium), R. Paynter (EUTERP, The Netherlands), J. Stewart (HPA, UK), A. Schmitt-Hannig (BfS, Germany), A. Falcao (IST-ID, Portugal)
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Conclusions from the RPM meeting Popular

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Conclusions from the Radiation Protection Managers Meeting
held in Brussels on 31 May 2016
By B. Lance, ENGIE Electrabel, Belgium
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Coulon2016.ppt Popular

By 1226 downloads

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Neutron Detection using a Gadolinium covered CdZnTe Detector
By R. Coulon, V. Kondrasovs, J. Dumazert, K. Boudergui, CEA LIST, France
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Deboodt2016.ppt Popular

By 1256 downloads

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Implementation of the Radiological Protection principles in Decommissioning:
Lessons Learnt from three Projects
By P. Deboodt, SCK•CEN, Belgium
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf DU-Kim2016.ppt Popular

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Development of IDIS (Integrated  Drain Information System) for Reducing Radiation Exposure
By D.-U. Kim, Shin-Kori NPP #2 (unit 3&4), South Korea
Distinguished Paper at the 2015 ISOE Asian Symposium (Tokyo, Japan)
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Ekerljung2016.ppt Popular

By 1207 downloads

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Alpha Activity and System Decontaminations 
Determination of actinides in waste repository and calculations of scaling factors for internal contamination

By L. Ekerljung, Forsmark NPP, Sweden
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Genard2016.ppt Popular

By 1210 downloads

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How to correctly choose the List of Relevant Radionuclides to assess Dose Uptake by Workers?
By G. Genard, B. Gonze, D. Hulhoven, S. Vanderperre, ENGIE Tractebel Engineering, Belgium
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Heine2016.ppt Popular

By 1297 downloads

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Primary Water Chemistry Optimization to Reduce Source Term in Belgian Units
By K. Schildermans, P. Heine, R. Lecocq, ENGIE Laborelec, Belgium
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Hwang2016.ppt Popular

By 1250 downloads

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ISOE Strategic Programme Plan (2016-2019)
By T.-W. Hwang, ISOE Chairman – KHNP, South Korea
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Ingham2016.ppt Popular

By 1258 downloads

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Demonstrating ALARA Across the UK Nuclear Industry – Implementation of the CORE Regulatory Inspection Project
By G. Ingham, Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), UK
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

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Exercising Radiation Protection Planning as a Relevant Course Content for Training ALARA in NPP
By S.-G. Jahn, ENSI, Switzerland
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Johansson2016.ppt Popular

By 1216 downloads

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Ringhals - Operational Experience on Silver and Antimony related to Doses
By M. Johansson, Ringhals NPP, Sweden
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Kuchin2016.ppt Popular

By 1191 downloads

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The way to optimize Radiation Exposure Index at the Russian Nuclear Power Plants
By I. Doljenkov (Rosenergoatom), A. Kuchin (Kola NPP), Russian Federation
Distinguished Paper at the 2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Lance2016.ppt Popular

By 1622 downloads

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Use of ISOE for the Assessment of the RP Practices at ENGIE Electrabel
By B. Lance, ENGIE Electrabel, Belgium
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Liu2016.ppt Popular

By 1494 downloads

Measurement Program for Occupational Exposure Source Term with in-situ Gamma Spectroscopy in China’s NPPs
By Q. Cao, L. Liu, W. Xiong, Y. Xiao, X. Sanqiang, Y. Zhao, X. Wei, H. Pan, China Institute for Radiation Protection, China
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Morais2016.ppt Popular

By 1096 downloads

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Challenges of the Aging of the Brazilian Regulatory Authority
By G. Morais, Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), Brazil
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Navert2016.ppt Popular

By 1194 downloads

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Optimisation of RP during the Course of the Decommissioning of Spent Fuel Channels
By S. Navert, Mühleberg NPP, Switzerland
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Ost2016.ppt Popular

By 1187 downloads

Reactor Vessel Head Replacement at Tihange 3 – Transport Conditions and Storage of the Reactor Vessel Head
By T. Ost, Tihange NPP, Belgium
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Ozaki2016.ppt Popular

By 1220 downloads

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New Radiological Control of Areas in Fukushima Daiichi NPS
By D. Ozaki (TEPCO, Japan)
presented by T. Nomura, NSRA, Japan
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Prim2016.ppt Popular

By 1307 downloads

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ALARA Program and RP Activities for the Reactor Vessel Head Replacement in  Vandellòs II NPP
By A. Prim Pujals, J. L. Sarria Gálvez, I. Vildósola Hernandez, A. Ribas Goset, Vandellòs II NPP, Spain
Distinguished Paper at the 2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

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ISOE Contributions to the Work of CRPPH: Past and Future
By A. Rakhuba (ISOE Joint Secretariat – OECD NEA), E. Lazo (OECD NEA)
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Rocher2016.ppt Popular

By 1330 downloads

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Elaboration of an Optimized Source Term Reduction Program for a 58 Reactors Fleet
By A. Rocher, M.-C. Benoit-Alet (EDF UNIE-GPRE), C. Dabat-Blondeau, F. Renard, B. Voisin (EDF UTO), France
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Romane2016.ppt Popular

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Make Visible the Invisible for a Better Radiation Protection at EDF
By P. Romane (Chinon B NPP), E. Canal (EDF UNIE-GPRE), S. Blond (EDF EM RP), D. Vrammout (Gravelines NPP), R. Malbert (EDF UNITEP), France
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Schieber2016.ppt Popular

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Summary of the 2016 ISOE International Symposium
By C. Schieber, CEPN – ISOE ETC, France
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Simionov2016.ppt Popular

By 1325 downloads

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Improving Occupational Radiation Exposure using ALARA Tools: Performance Indicators
By V. Simionov, L. Samson, Cernavoda NPP, Romania
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

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Analysis of Impact of the Primary Heat Transport Purification System on Outage Radiation Field
By Y. Verzilov, Y. Kravtsova (Kinectrics Inc., Canada), A. Nedelcu, I. Popescu, V. Simionov (Cernavoda NPP, Romania)
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Veyssiere2016.ppt Popular

By 1229 downloads

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The Management of Radiographic Controls on the Construction Site of the Flamanville 3 EPR Reactor
By F. Veyssiere, S. Lelong (Flamanville 3 NPP), G. Abela (EDF DIPNN), France
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)

pdf Walschaerts2016.ppt Popular

By 1175 downloads

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Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure Head replacement of Belgian Tihange 3 and Doel 4 units – Follow-up and on-site dosimetry
By B. Walschaerts, D. Hulhoven, V. Bouchat, S. Vanderperre, Tractebel ENGIE, Belgium
2016 ISOE International Symposium (Brussels, Belgium)