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GAMPIX A New Generation of Gamma Camera for Hot Spot Localisation
By F. Carrel (CEA List), R. Abou Khalil, P. Blot (Canberra), K. Boudergui (CEA List), S. Colas (CEA DAM Valduc), M. Gmar (CEA List), F. Lemasle (Canberra), N. Saurel (CEA DAM Valduc), V. Schoepff (CEA List), H. Toubon (Canberra), France
Distinguished Paper at the 2010 ISOE International Symposium (Cambridge, United Kingdom)

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SAP Nuclear - a new software for Radiation Protection in Slovenské Elektrárne / Enel company
By L. Dobiš (Bohunice NPP), Š. Grúbel (Mochovce NPP), F. Putignano (Enel), Slovak Republic
presented by F. Putignano
Distinguished Paper at the 2010 ISOE International Symposium (Cambridge, United Kingdom)

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Steam Generator Replacement of the Belgian Doel 1 unit: follow-up and on site dosimetry
By B. Walschaerts (Tractebel Engineering), J. Defloor, R. Wyckmans (Doel NPP), Belgium
Distinguished Paper at the 2010 ISOE International Symposium (Cambridge, United Kingdom)